Organize it or lost it

Well, there goes again my plan of posting once a week. This time for decluttering my studio. And make it suitable for two different jobs (actually, make it four): arts and teaching. French, not arts. Writing is the same always: everything needed are something to write with and something to write on. Luckly laptops, tablets and smartphones outstand both. For instance,this entry was started on my cellphone and continued on a tablet. Damn! I’ve got better at using the phone Qwerty despite it being smaller!

Two levels lazy susan, ‘cause you can’t have enough.

Yet, the arts supplies have been tricky. And even if I’m not a super organized person, I need everythig to be in the right container in the right place. And as declutered as possible. Up til this day, I’ve found that a regular closet and a modified lazy susan do marvels saving space yet having all at hand.

Or layers of paper, to make it strong…

There is still a lot of material to organize, but right now I feel happy seeing some of my most used items at hand and hide. Hopefully everything will be set, like, by the end of the year? Damn… time to consider throwing some clutter away…Anyone interested in a painting? A papercraft heart?

Finally, scissors and thinner are far from the reach of my child and I can get them in a flash!

This is how it was suppose to be, but things happen… like not having checked the quality of the screw… The glue was amazing, though…

Publicado por Leticia ValCer Ticia10

Mexican writer and comic artist.

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